You must “serve” your Petition for Expungement and a Summons (provided by the court upon filing your Petition) on all Missouri state agencies that maintain and report out your Missouri criminal record(s). These should be the same state agencies you identified as Respondents/Defendants in your Petition. If an agency is not served, they will not be obligated to close your record and can continue to report it out.
Check the box and provide a mailing address for each of your Respondents/Defendants. If you don’t know the address for an agency, you can Google the agency’s address and/or call the agency to confirm.
Your service instructions should also specify a method for service to be completed. We recommend electing for Service by Certified Mail to Be Completed by the Court, if such an option is available in your filing court. Typically the Court will charge around $10 per respondent, unless you are granted a fee-waiver, in which case you will not be charged.
You can also complete service yourself. After filing your petition, ask the Court for a “summons” for each of your Respondents. Mail each respondent a summons and a copy of your expungement petition. We recommend doing this by certified mail, with reform receipt requested, so you can verify to the Court that all of your agencies were properly served and that any Order of Expungement entered will be effective against them. You can do this at your nearest post office. When you receive the return receipts in the mail, take them to the court to have them filed in your case.
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Service Instructions
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